
My Last Epistle Unto Thee

Hi guys. : )  First off, some transfer stuff. Sister Semenyuk will be staying in the area, covering the whole ward again, and also picking up the Tongan ward. Her new companion will be Hermana Huddleston (who is super awesome), and they will have a third companion who's brand new. They are going to be so busy! I'm actually super jealous because covering two wards with so much work is so fun! I was going through appointments with Hermana Despain last night, and it looks like they will have back-to-back-to-back(-to-back on one day) appointments for the first three days. ; )  My companion is staying, but I, as some missionaries politely say, am "being transferred to Salt Lake." I am so sad to leave my area, and even more sad to leave the mission, but I'm excited for the world ahead. Serving a mission has been the greatest blessing of my life. It was the best decision I have ever made, and is truly a miracle to me and a witness that Heavenly Father truly has a g

The Spirit of Revelation

Good morning everyone!  I hope that you all had a wonderful General Conference experience! I know that I sure did. It's such a blessing to get to hear from the prophet and receive direction from the Lord. Someday I would like to understand how the Lord can inspire His servants to give just a few messages like that, and make it work out so that every sincere listener can receive the answers to their prayers. It's pretty cool to think about.  I am so grateful for the gift of the Holy Ghost, as well as for the ability to receive those quiet promptings from God through the Spirit.  Favorite Spiritual Thought: I was rereading some conference talks from last October and came across the talk from Michelle D Craig, "Divine Discontent." In it, she talked about how discouragement, from Satan, often leads to self-absorption: "Who I am, who I am not, and what I want." She then talked about how divine discontent, encouragement to improve, from our Heavenly Fath

That moment when you're a missionary and someone you baptized is too...

Good Morning Everyone! This week was a super awesome week. There were so many cool things that happened, and so many little miracles!  First off, Emilio got his mission call!!!!!!! I'm so excited! Hopefully he's good with me sharing this with you all, haha. He's going to the freaking Marshall Islands/Kiribati mission! It's so insane. It's such a huge blessing to have been able to teach him and see his progression. I am so grateful that I got to serve in the West Hills ward and meet so many wonderful people there! I learned so much from all of them. : ) Favorite Spiritual Thought: I was reading the story of the prodigal son (in Luke 15) this week and noticed something that I'd never noticed before. In the verses right around when the prodigal son decides he's made some mistakes and needs to go home, there's the phrase "and when he came to himself." The footnote at the bottom mentioned repentance, which I thought was cool. But what ca

Esperanza Rising

Hello and good morning!  I got to go on an awesome exchange this week with Hermana Sears, from San Fernando! She is super awesome and way funny. It was really fun to reminisce about San Fernando with her. She's also just a tad trunky, despite the fact that she has two more transfers left after I go home, so she used me being in my last transfer as an excuse to say some pretty funny trunky thinks. ; ) We had a lot of fun though, worked hard, and saw some cool miracles! It brought me a lot of hope. We also had interviews this week. I can testify that our leaders really are called of God. It is so cool to be able to recognize that. Spraking of which, conference is coming up! I'm so excited! I hope that everyone takes the time to prepare themselves to listen to the prophet and apostles speak.  Favorite Spiritual Thought: In Helaman 7, Nephi had come to a pretty tough spot. His people were so wicked, and he was doing everything he possibly could to help them to repent, a